Monday 31 December 2012

Tales of the Pyx - The Conclusion

The Pyx at CR held a great fascination for me

It would change no matter how many times I looked at it

It was beautiful, no matter what time of day or night it was

I did my best to capture some sense of what it showed me

But nothing I did seemed...right
One night, with the brethren's blessings I tried again
I worked into the wee hours

This set of four was a direct result of that night

It's closer, but not quite there yet

Somehow my camera caught that which I couldn't express with my ink brush....

The Pyx at Community of the Resurrection Church is one of the most beautiful objects I have ever encountered or experienced. Even though I am currently living in London, I can still sense it's presence.

I do not feel that my work with the Pyx is finished. So I'm looking forward to trying again in the future - with the brethren's permission, of course..

The Pyx draws me like a magnet.

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